Ballard Tool Library needs weekend librarians
The Ballard Tool Library is going strong! We have over 200 members and over 1000 tools to lend. We’ve created a workbench for folks who need to use tools on the spot and new donations are coming in regularly. We’re trying to stay open ten hours a week, but we could really use a few more weekend volunteers. Our greatest need for volunteers is on Saturday mornings, 9am-11am and Sunday afternoons, 2pm-5pm. If you’d like to help the Library stay open for all its posted hours, please contact our Library Manager!
Ballard Tool Library is an organization created for the community, by the community. We rely on volunteers for everything from spreading the word about us to helping keep our tools clean, organized and in working order.
Tool Librarian
Staff the Ballard Tool Library during our open hours. Duties include signing up new members, checking tools in and out, accepting and cataloging tool donations, and being a warm and welcoming presence at the BTL. We encourage tool librarians to sign up for at least one shift/month. General experience / knowledge of tools encouraged, but not required.
Tool Librarian shifts:
Sundays, 2pm – 5pm
Tuesdays, 11am – 1pm
Thursdays, 5pm – 8pm
Saturdays, 9am – 11am