Ballard Sprouts June News-Tomatoes Ready!
The Ballard Sprouts team started 1,000 tomato seeds (four varieties) in a greenhouse in early April. In late April they were transplanted and placed in hoop houses where they have been tended during May. On May 25th the Sprouts team moved the 1,000 pots from the hoop houses down to a set of sawhorses with 2×4’s. They are ready for the Seattle Giving Gardeners to come by and pick them up. These gardeners will plant the tomatoes, tend them and harvest them and donate the produce to the Seattle Food Banks. This completes the Ballard Sprouts project for the year. More information about Seattle Giving Gardeners can be found at the website.

Ballard Sprouts will only continue one more year at the current location. Unless a new location with a greenhouse is found the project will stop in June 2024. You can help us find a new greenhouse location by letting us know about greenhouses in your neighborhood. We will provide all the supplies and all the volunteers. We just need a new location. Please look around and let us know at Thanks.