Ballard Sprouts 2022 Report
Ballard Sprouts – Season 2022 complete
Ballard Sprouts is a proud Sustainable Ballard project. The Ballard Sprouts completed the 2022 season on May 31st by distributing 1200 tomato plants to Seattle Giving Gardeners then grew them and donated the harvest to the Seattle Food Banks. We start seeds in February (Lettuce, chard, kale, broccoli, Asian Greens) and grow them until the weather is warm enough to plant them in the ground. We want to provide the Seattle Giving Gardeners with hardy plants that will give them a 6 week head start on the growing season. Please go to and see the results of their work. We have a new webmaster and the Seattle Giving Gardeners are posting the results of their harvest.
Donations to SGGN help purchase seeds, seeding soil, transplanting soil, fertilizer and other supplies that we will use for the 2023 growing season.
Our 26 growers put in over 400 hours during the growing season. If you are interested in participating in this project we ask for a commitment of one hour per week from Mid February to the end of May.

Here are 2022 photos of the giving gardeners picking up the tomato plants.