Ballard Design Guidelines Open House – Oct 29
From the City of Seattle, Office of Planning and Community Development:
Please join us to review and comment on the proposed new Ballard Neighborhood Design Guidelines that will help shape future development in Ballard. These new neighborhood-specific design guidelines supplement the Citywide Design Guidelines and will guide the Design Review Board in reviewing proposed commercial and multi-family residential projects in Ballard.
Monday, October 29, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Ballard Library, 5614 22nd Ave NW
The draft update to the design guidelines responds to the substantial change in the neighborhood. The overarching goal of the Seattle’s Design Review Program is to foster design excellence as Seattle continues to grow.
The Ballard Alliance’s Urban Design and Transportation Committee and other neighborhood stakeholders have provided significant input throughout this four year process that produced the Ballard Urban Design Framework. The Framework guided amendments to development standards that reduce building bulk, and small zoning changes that the City adopted in 2016. Now we need your input as we prepare the final Ballard Neighborhood Design Guidelines proposal that will be transmitted to the Seattle City Council early next year.
For more information, contact David Goldberg: or (206) 615-1447.