August Virtual Social: Living More Sustainably

by Seattle Zero Waste

When: Wed, August 18, 2021, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM PDT
Where: Online event

About this event
Zero waste travel and back to school tips
Legislation updates from Heather Trim, Executive Director for Zero Waste Washington
All levels of zero waste interest and experience welcome
After registering, you will receive an email with the Zoom meeting information
Come with questions and ideas to share. See you there!

A Word From The Seattle Zero Waste Leadership Team
Our Monthly Socials have always been a place for people to meet others face to face and discuss zero waste living. Since we cannot meet in person under current COVID-19 restrictions, we will get as close as we can to that experience through a virtual Zoom gathering. We encourage you to find ways to spread hope, take action towards equality, and support people and planet during this time in history.