8th Annual Edible Garden Tour – Saturday, June 25, 2016!
Sustainable Ballard invites you to our walking / biking tour of SW Ballard food gardens.
Time: 10 am – 3 pm
Buy your Tickets / Map at the start point on the day of the tour:
Ballard Community Center, 6020 28th Ave NW
Cost: $10 per person (kids are free). Buy your ticket/map at the start point on the day of the tour.
Grow, don’t mow!
Our goal is to educate and inspire folks to grow food by giving examples of creative uses of parking strips, containers, raised beds, bee houses, chicken coops, goats, fruit trees, berries and more! Meet the gardeners and ask questions. The tour includes more than a dozen gardens to explore within walking distance of the Ballard Community Center. Your $10 supports Sustainable Ballard’s community projects.
Now in it’s 8th year, the Edible Garden Tour has been an inspiration to hundreds of gardeners every June.
Be inspired! Learn from your neighbors!
Do you like to grow your food?
Can you do it in your ‘hood?
Would you do it with your hands?
Would you do it on your lands?
Could you do it in a pot?
Could you do it on your lot?
Would you, could you in the rain?
Would you, could you feel no pain?
Would you garden on a boat?
Would you garden with a goat?
Would you plant a rutabaga?
Would you like a ripe tomata?
Could you grow food here or there?
Could you garden anywhere?
Would you garden in a box?
Would you garden in your crocs?
Would you garden in the shade?
Would you garden with a spade?
You can plant what you want to eat!
You can harvest, what a treat!
Plant a seed! Oh, gosh, oh gee!
Try it! Try it! You will see!
A big THANK YOU to our many volunteers who are and will be helping with getting out posters and postcards, collecting raffle items, cleaning up gardens, baking goodies for hosts baskets, stuffing said baskets, distributing signage and art to gardens, setting up our info booth and plenty more!!