Transportation & Urban Design

“Planning of the automobile city focuses on saving time. Planning for the accessible city, on the other hand, focuses on time well spent.” ~ Robert Cervero

“Convivial towns can offer solace in disaster, solidarity in protest, and a quiet everyday delight in urban life…Creating and revitalizing places that foster conviviality is essential to the good life.” ~ Mark C. Childs

Our transportation choice is the biggest energy decision we make each day! Transportation impacts our health: nearly 70% of our region’s air pollution comes from motor vehicle emissions. Transportation impacts our planet: transportation generates 60% of our state’s CO2 emissions.

Sustainable Ballard works to promote alternatives to personal petroleum transportation: from walking, bicycling, electric bicycling, busing, and skateboarding to biodiesel cars and electric transport fueled by renewable energy (hydroelectric, wind, biodiesel , etc.).

We have three active projects in this area:

Ballard Partnership for Smart Growth



Partnering with Sustainable Ballard, Pangreen is your local and global ridesharing network! Whether you are commuting from Ballard to work or school, or traveling to events or anywhere in the world, we help you share rides with your friends, neighbors, co-workers, classmates, and other people in your community and around the world!

Find or form a Carpool

Pangreen Ballard
Pangreen is community-powered, together we share rides to

  • Combat Climate Change, Track and Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
  • Save Time and Money
  • Foster a Fun, Healthy and Sustainable Community in Ballard and beyond!



Undriving™ and Undriver Licensing™ – The Undriving Program was born in the Sustainable Ballard Transportation Guild, tapping into people’s innate curiosity, creativity, and resourcefulness to make more conscious, active transportation choices, and to discover and share the joys inherent in car-free travel. Since its debut at the 2007 Sustainable Ballard Festival, the Undriver Licensing Station has appeared at over 80 different events, workplaces, and schools all over the region, and has now issued over 10,000 Undriver Licenses to people of all ages. We’re so proud of this home-grown, community-generated concept that has spun off into its own non-profit and gained national and international recognition as an innovator in transportation behavior change. The Undriving team is now licensing its proven program to organizations wtih a mandate to reduce car use, that could use an engaging way to connect with their communities. So far, Intercity Transit and Sound Transit are Official Licensing Partners with Undriving, taking their own Undriver LIcensing Stations out to events! For the full scoop and to get your own Undriver License™, please visit the Undriving website. For more information, contact Julia Field.


How to get a free bike rack on City property:

Are you a Ballard business looking for a free bike rack in front of your establishment? All you have to do is contact our friend Dave Janis of the Bicycle Alliance at 206.224.9252 Ext. 302 or and he’ll take care of the rest, it’s that easy! More information can also be found at the Seattle Department of Transportation website, but make sure to contact Dave because he runs the show.