
“I am so excited to have been able to participate in the RainWise Rebate Program and even more excited to be able to encourage others to participate, or at least, consider participating. While it is not a small undertaking, I certainly feel it is an important and rewarding one. Because I chose to redo most of my yard at the same time it was a big job as I did all the “extras” myself. I do know of several other installations where the only change was the rain garden installation and it was an easy project for the homeowners.

My rain garden worked well in the “Great Rain of November, 2012” and I am so happy with it. It adds so much beauty and interest to my yard while doing an important function. See my suggestions for your RainWise project, below!”
– Marcia
- Rain Garden (Installed July 2012)
- Design and Installation by Forrest Gardens
- 1825sf Roof Runoff captured
- $6500 Rebate
- 100% of total project cost

“I have several suggestions for prospective participants:
- Interview several contractors; each has different ideas or concepts. My next door neighbors and I combined efforts and interviewed four contractors together. We agreed upon one contractor (which, of course, would not be necessary) which made the installation nice for us and the contractor.
- Let the contractor know your intent: if you want to stay completely within the RainWise budget, let them know before they bid.
- There are lots of creative ways to work within a budget. I chose to retain the native dirt excavated from my site and that of my neighbor’s and used the fill for berms and raised gardens in my yard. That saved haul-away and dumping fees for both of us. Offer to do some of the planting to save budget money.”
Photos of the neighbors’ installation:

- Rain Garden
- Design by Forrest Gardens
- ~80% rebate