Letters Home Returns in September
Free Letters Home occurs Tuesdays at the Ballard Food Bank. Clients at the food bank are able to participate in this Sustainable Ballard community building project with the help of two VERY dedicated SB volunteers. While patrons shop the food bank they can stop by our table and send letters/cards home to friends & family at no cost. There is also help with writing for those who could use a hand.
Big thanks to all who gave at GIVING SUNDAY last weekend in Commons Park. Animal cards, stamps and $40 in cash to buy more stamps were gratefully received at our community donation drive event. $40 might not seem like a lot but this enables 60 people to send a letter home and connect with loved ones.
We will be resuming our Tuesday presence between 11am – 1 pm on September 5th. If you think you might like to take a turn at this activity or if you would like to make a donation towards postage, please contact volunteer@sustainableballard.org.