Indian Days Powwow & Daybreak Star Radio

The Pow-wow is back and a new radio experience begins!

The Powwow:

The 2022 Powwow will be held July 15th-17th, 2022 at Daybreak Star. United Indians’ Seafair Indian Days Powwow is held annually on the third weekend in July, in conjunction with Seattle Seafair, at the Powwow Grounds adjacent to the Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center.

Attendance over the 3-day event ranges from 7,000-10,000, including visitors, dancers, musicians, vendors and tourists.

This proud tradition brings Native Americans of all tribes and cultures together to celebrate. UIATF has held the 3 day long celebration in conjunction with Seafair for the past 30 years.

The Powwow showcases traditional Indian cooking, jewelry-making, music, and especially dancing. Throughout the day, tribes from the United States and Canada dance in full tribal regalia.

All are welcome, Native and non-Native alike! More info:

Daybreak Star Radio:

Indigenize the Airwaves! Daybreak Star Radio Network (DSR) an international online radio station fully dedicated to Indigenous music, arts and culture officially went live on July 10, 2021. Daybreak Star Radio is not tied to one genre of music. Playing everything from traditional drums, Pow Wow, Native flute, and rattles to R&B, Hip Hop, Rock & Roll, Metal, Funk, and more. This radio station is for all the Nations and all the music the people produce, write, create, and play.

The station is also hoping to have regular talk radio sessions where Indigenous people from across the Americas can call in to discuss (often tough) issues, such as disenrollment, education and missing and murdered Indigenous women. With Daybreak Star Radio Network, the launchpad for these discussions and connections is here — and the possibilities are endless.

Learn more: