Idle Free Ballard needs your help and so does the local ecosystem!

Idle Free Ballard has been tabling at various events this summer, including the Sustainable Ballard festival just a few weeks ago. Join us to help educate folks about the environmental, financial, and health costs of unnecessary vehicle idling. Take green steps to minimize pollution in our local environment.

Especially here in the Pacific Northwest the exhaust from idling vehicles contributes to overall pollution and impacts our migrating salmon. So if you love our local resident Orca pods J, K & L which rely on healthy salmon as their main food source, please consider turning off your car while waiting for draw-bridges, picking up your kids from school etc, or any other time you find yourself idling.

Download the poster to display in areas that are highly visible to drivers and other employees.

We need you! If you’re able to volunteer to help out with any of the following tasks please let Polly know.

Hand out cards and posters to your friends, neighbors, local shops, etc.

Contact a school to educate parents and students. We have a sample article for newsletters. And a link to signage!

Create Idle Free posts for social media! We have content and images –need your savvy to format them for easy posting.

Sew or print an Idle Free banner for tabling at events.

Share other ideas — locations/events at which we could hand out cards? Media who might run a blurb? If you want cards or posters (we deliver) to distribute, or want to learn more ways you can help, please visit