Herbal Workshops

(Spring 2006)

These classes were very fun and popular!  They featured three herbs and included as much hands-on experience as possible. Samples of fresh and dried herbs were available. We covered identification, cultivation, medicinal & culinary uses, and preparation. Goodies were available to sample and to take home.

Project Lead – Melissa Larson

2006 Herb Classes

Class One: Drought-Tolerants – Rosemary, Lavendar & Sage

  • Date: Mar. 26th
  • Time: 2 pm – 4 pm
  • Location: Ballard Condos
  • Herbs: Rosemary, Lavendar & Sage
  • Introduction: Jenny, Welcome, About the class/schedule, About SB (10 min)
  • Identification & Growing: Ingela, (15 min) discussion of mediterraneans/drought tolerants
  • Medicinal uses/actions: Melissa, (15 min)
  • Cooking: Brad, (30 min), Fried Sage (Brad), Rosemary Skewered Fish & Fried Sage (Brad)
  • Preparation: Katrina, (45 min), Bath Fizzlers – pretty straightforward to make but involve a bit more than just mixing supplies. Katrina can get together most of the ingredients (witch hazel, citric acid, etc), the herbs from Kachi, and hopefully we can pool together some essential oils from our own collections.
  • Wrap-up & Thanks: Jenny, + invite people to stay and browse/buy products (5 min)

What they will take home:

  • Binder with Sustainable Ballard/Herb Class sticker on front (thanks, Brad!)
  • Info sheet on Sustainable Ballard – Jenny
  • In-depth info sheet for each herb (photos, history, medicinal uses & preparations) – Melissa
  • Culinary Recipes handout: Brad et al.
  • Growing/cultivation handout: Ingela et al.
  • Preparation Recipe handout: Katrina et al.
  • Rosemary, Lavender and Sage twigs wrapped in tuile

Things to try/use during the class:

  • Sage Tea, Lavender/Chamomile Tea, Lavender Honey and Lavender Cookies
  • Dried Sage, Lavender & Rosemary
  • Other examples of preparations using these herbs
  • Essential oils
  • Books

Optional things they can purchase at the end of the class:

  • Plants: Jenny, Ingela
  • Dried herbs: Kachi
  • Supplies for bath fizzlers, so they can go home and make more – Katrina
  • Other foods using these herbs? oil, vinegar, honey,
  • Essential oils

Class Two: Natives – Swordfern, Nettles & ??

(cancelled for lack of interest!)

  • Date: April 23rd
  • Time: 2pm – 4:30pm
  • Location: Ballard Condos
  • Container Herbs: Swordfern, Nettles & ??? Devil’s Club, Kinnickkinnick, Cedar, Evergreen Huckleberry, Oregon Grape, Salal, more ideas? (we have to pick one)
  • Identification & Growing: Ingela
  • Medicinal: Melissa
  • Cooking: Brad
  • Preparation: Katrina?

Title: Recipe of the Week: Marinated Fiddlehead Salad Link

Class Three: Annuals – Calendula, Basil & Borage

  • Date: May 28th?
  • Time:
  • Plants: Calendula, Basil & Borage
    • Other ideas: Parsley?, Nasturtium, Pansies, Chrysanthemum, Chickweed, Dandelion
  • Introduction: Jenny, Welcome, About the class/schedule, About SB (10 min)
  • Identification & Growing: Ingela
  • Medicinal: Melissa
  • Cooking: Brad
  • Preparation: Salves – Katrina

Class Four: Container Herbs – Comfrey, Mint and Lemonbalm

  • Date: June 25th?
  • Time:
  • Annual Herbs: Calendula, Basil & Borage
    • Other ideas: Parsley?, Nasturtium, Pansies, Chrysanthemum
  • Identification & Growing:
  • Medicinal:
  • Cooking:
  • Preparation:

Other Ideas

Herb Class: Evergreens

  • Date: 2007?
  • Time:
  • Evergreen Herbs: Bay Laurel, Tea, Kinnickkinnick, Lingonberry, Pine
  • Identification & Growing:
  • Medicinal:
  • Cooking:
  • Preparation:

Herb Class: Ground Covers

  • Date: 2007?
  • Time:
  • Groundcover Herbs: Pennyroyal, Sweet Woodruff, Thyme, Chamomile, Kinnickkinnick,
  • Identification & Growing:
  • Medicinal:
  • Cooking:
  • Preparation: