Edible Garden Tour Scouts Needed

Take a walk and pitch in for another successful tour of gardens.

You don’t need to feel trapped at home while protecting yourself from COVID-19. In lieu of an in-person meeting, we are now recruiting garden scouts to find interesting examples of container and sidewalk gardening, bees/chickens/goats, new gardening techniques, fruit trees and vines and other beautiful examples of edible gardens.

The Ballard Edible Garden Tour will be in NW Ballard this year. We are hoping that things will return to normal by June and that we can have another successful Edible Garden Tour on June 27th. This is a great area to scout because there are a lot of alleys, so it’s easy to see backyard gardens. (The trick is figuring out the address.) There should be more people tending their gardens this year, so there should be some really nice gardens. We’d love you to record which addresses have edible garden features so we can drop off cards later when we are sure of the tour date. If people are out working in their gardens, it is easy to talk with them while maintaining a 6 ft distance. Plus, won’t it make you feel good to breathe fresh air and explore the lovely gardens in our neighborhood?

If you are up for taking a walk around the neighborhood to look for edible gardens, please visit this map and then contact Alyssa and let her know your 1st and 2nd preference to scout. 

Thank you and happy gardening!