Ballard Sprouts Update and Pilot Project in West Seattle

The Ballard Sprouts greenhouse is in full swing with over 12,000 seeds planted and more to come. We started seeds on February 14th and started transplanting on March 3rd. We put 5 seedlings per pot and set the pots outside, covering them with row cloth in cold temperatures.  We will fertilize twice and then distribute the plants starting on the first full weekend in April to the Seattle Giving Gardeners who will grow the plants and donate the harvest to Food Banks or food kitchens. Here is a photo of 5,000 plants and the Ballard greenhouse. If you would like to visit our project then please go to SignUpGenius,, and sign up for one of our tours of the greenhouse. We are happy to show off our work.

The Sprouts program has a pilot project at Heron’s Nest in West Seattle off of West Marginal Way.  A lively cohort of volunteers from the West Seattle neighborhoods are carefully tending the plants through this very cold winter weather. Their goal is 2,200 plants this year and hopefully they will all return and enlarge the project in 2024. Here is a photo of the team and their sprouts. 

NOTE: NOTE: We are looking for another greenhouse in the Ballard area!

We are actively looking for another greenhouse since we will no longer have access to our current Ballard greenhouse after June 2024.  Please spread the word that we are looking for another greenhouse so that we can continue this project in Ballard.  Send any leads to