Ballard Sprouts March 2023 News
Ballard Sprouts started planting seeds on Valentines day, 20 trays of 220 seeds each. During the very cold spell we kept the trays on the heating mats. Now we have planted another 20 trays and are just beginning to transplant the first seedlings into pots, 5 per pot.
We will continue seeding, transplanting, fertilizing and caring for these plants until mid April when they will be donated to gardeners who are growing food for the Food Banks or food needy programs. Here are photos of volunteers planting seeds and Michael checking them one week later.

Ballard Sprouts will no longer have access to its greenhouse in Ballard as of June 2024. We are actively looking for another greenhouse. Please look around and ask your neighbors who have a greenhouse if they would be willing to host this project in the future. We would like to locate another greenhouse as soon as possible so we can provide a smooth transition. We have 30 Sprouts volunteers who will most likely continue on. Email any leads to: We will provide a tour of our current facility. Thank you.
In anticipation of the loss of the Ballard greenhouse we have reached out to Heron’s Nest in West Seattle. They have a greenhouse and we are running a pilot project there this season. There are 10 new Sprouts volunteers from West Seattle who are running the project at Heron’s Nest. We are training them on all our procedures. The giving gardeners in West Seattle are pleased to know that they will be able to pick up their plants much closer to home. Our goal is to have three locations in Seattle growing Sprouts.
Sustainable Ballard’s Sprouts project is part of the Seattle Giving Garden Network ( and we have a new webmaster with a great new look. SGGN also has a new, fun, colorful logo. Look for it on the home page.