900 Big Bags of Bread Gleaned in 2023!

The Bakery Gleaning team is going strong!  Three times per week,  team members show up at Mighty-O donuts before sunrise and Tall Grass Bakery after sunset and then make a trip to St. Luke’s Edible Hope program at 7:30am the next morning. Currently there are 11 active members making 6 trips every week equaling about 300 volunteer hrs per year. This past year the Bakery Gleaning team picked up approximately 900 big bags of bread and about 400 boxes of 4 dozen donuts (19,200 donuts!) helping to feed our neighbors that are unsheltered or living in tight circumstances. If there is more bread than the Edible Hope Program can use, the overflow goes to various local Tiny House villages and the Ballard Senior Center. We’re looking forward to another great year ahead of increasing food security and decreasing waste in our Ballard community.

If you would like to join the team, please contact Chris.