2024 Earth Day Volunteer Opportunities
Are you looking for some way to lend a hand this Earth Day? If so, please check out these opportunities to volunteer in or near Ballard.
Join our friends at Groundswell for a work party at Ballard Corners Park on Saturday April 13th 10am-2pm rain or shine! We’ll be weeding, grooming plants, cutting back ferns, cleaning up debris, and possibly spreading wood chip mulch. Some tools will be provided, but if you have them, please bring: gloves, a weeding tool, a pair of pruners, and a bucket (or another container) for collecting clean green material.

If you have any questions, please contact Gabriella
Join Green Seattle at Discovery Park this Earth Day weekend on Friday April 19th help with site restoration that overlooks the south meadow with native meadow and forest edge shrubs and forbs. With the guidance of the UW Restoration Ecology Network, we’ll be working in one of the most scenic restoration sites in the city. We are calling the site Lizard Haven due to the many northern alligator lizards seen in the area. Our primary task will be planting new plants but we may also be digging up blackberry roots, moving and spreading wood chips. As an added perk, we will get a short lesson on restoration ecology techniques or philosophy from current students of the curriculum.
- Open to the public
- Adults only
- 2 out of 20 volunteers registered-Contact Rob Stevens 206-919-2947 for more info. Register Here
Or on Sunday April 21st from 9am-12p at South Meadow for blackberry clearing. They will be attacking a hibernating patch of blackberry, sneaking up on them just as they are waking up. It’s amazing how much easier it is to clear blackberries this time of year. Our task will be a combination of cutting back the canes with loppers and digging up the rootballs to completely wallop them. They won’t know what hit ’em! Wood chips will be spread over any bare ground to prevent weed seeds from sprouting.
- Open to the public
- Adults only
- 0 out of 20 volunteers registered-Contact Rob Stevens 206-919-2947 for more info. Register here.
Bring work gloves, water to stay hydrated and sturdy boots. Dress for the weather with layers and clothes you don’t mind getting dirty. We will have loppers, tillers and shovels to accomplish our task. EXTRA SPECIAL TREAT, WE’LL HAVE HOME-MADE COOKIES DURING OUR WATER BREAK

Lake Union Kayak Clean-Up with our friends at Puget Soundkeeper Alliance Wednesday April 24th from 11:00am-1:00pm. During the patrol, you will help us monitor marine pollution and remove debris from our waterways. Volunteers do not need any prior kayaking experience and will be provided with all necessary equipment.
On April 24th we will meet at the Northwest Outdoor Center on Lake Union. Upon arrival, volunteers will receive a safety overview. Volunteers and Puget Soundkeeper staff will then paddle to a designated area of Lake Union to monitor water pollution and remove trash.
There are 4 spots available, and each person must register individually. For more info and to register email education and stewardship manager.

We also have volunteer opportunities with our SB on-going projects. Don’t forget to join us for our 2nd Annual Spring Beer Hop on Saturday, April 20th to celebrate Earth Day and reward your hard work!