RainWise Rebates expanded to East Ballard!

Property owners in East Ballard and West Phinney are now eligible for RainWise rebates, a win-win solution to managing storm water pollution at home.   Homeowners beautify their landscape, capture rainwater for summer irrigation, solve basement flooding issues, preventing combined sewer overflows into our waterways…all with the help of generous city rebates which average $4,400!   Are you eligible?  Check here now

Want to learn more?  Check out our other RainWise resources and sign up for a workshop at the Ballard Library on February 5.


Why we care:


  • When it rains, runoff flows from our roofs and yards, carrying oil, fertilizers, pesticides, sediment and other pollutants downstream.
  • Storm water is the #1 polluter of Puget Sound.
  • The problem is made worse in Seattle, where our antiquated sewage system combines storm water and raw sewage in one pipe.
  • During a hard rain, this mixture of toxic runoff and raw sewage is too much for our sewage treatment plants to handle, and the excess is dumped directly into the Sound.
  • Overflows happen an average of 318 times per year.
  • In 2010, 190 million gallons of untreated sewage and toxic storm water flowed into our lakes, streams, and Puget Sound.
  • This damages water resources and harms aquatic life.